Conversation with Fear
Mar 14, 2021I am afraid of you, who are you?
I am fear itself.
What do you want from me?
I want to make your life a hell.
Why do you want to make my life a hell?
Because you have suppressed me for so long.
Why do you always come in disguise Mr. Fear? Why don't you just show me your real face?
You idiot, I have no real face; I am illusion itself, I am disguise in flesh and blood, yet disguise doesn't have flesh nor blood ... disguise is just disguise.
So how can I get rid of you Mr Fear? I'm tired of illusion ... can I simply see the reality? I'm tired of seeing your multiple faces. They cause me pain and make me suffer over and over again.
Another mistake; you can never get rid of me. The only reason I'm here is that you want to get rid of me. For your whole life you have been repeating the same mistake over and over again, yet you never learn ! But I pity you. You had no choice. That's what they taught you; to fight with me, to suppress me and to get rid of me. Did it work out? Did you succeed? Did you finally get rid of me? Are you free of fear??!!!
No, I'm not.
Of course you're not. Who is talking to you then? If you were free of fear, what would I be doing here? But you are stuck with fear. You are chained. You are not free, that's why I'm still here.
Why are you chaining me?
Because you have been chaining me for so long ! For all the past years you have been doing nothing but chaining me and hiding me deep down in your unconscious. It's payback time bro !
My true name is not Fear. When you were young and innocent, my name was "Desire"
But you have suppressed your desire for sex and called it "morality".
You suppressed your desire for food and called it "diet".
You suppressed your desire to play and called it "seriousness".
You suppressed your desire to sing and called it "religion".
You suppressed your spontaneous desire and called it "system", f*** the system !
You suppressed your desire to love and called it "politics" !
And look at you, are you moral now? You are the most sexual being in the world ! You think and speak of nothing but sex all day long. And all your art is sexual ! Are you healthy? You are sick ! You created a thousand and one foods and drinks to poison your body and damage your health. Are you happy? You are miserable, you are dull, and you can hardly enjoy a single moment. You always have what to worry about. There is always something incomplete, something needs to be done. How important, how serious, and how miserable you are !
And what do you know about religion? Can a miserable man be religious? Can a dull sick sexual man be called religious? No way ! He can be called hypocrite. This is what you are, a hypocrite. Young children know God because they are natural and honest. They have nothing to hide, noting to worry about. But you have thousand and one things to hide and million others to worry about. That's why you are so far away from knowing God.
You suppressed all your natural desires and then you call me fear?! Stop calling me fear. That's insane, that's crazy it doesn't work and never will. Try something new. If you want to get rid of fear, stop calling me fear. My name is "Desire". Stop fighting your natural desires and fear is gone. Stop hiding your inner flow to live and grow to eat and play to sing and love, and fear is no more.
Look to me and hear me ... because I'm here only for that. I'm here to guide you, to love you, to nourish you and give you roses.
I am the inner voice of your heart.
I am the subtle sound of your soul.
I'm here to bring you signs. Ask me and I shall give you the answers. Just open your arms and receive the rains of abundance. Open your eyes and you shall see the light. Listen carefully and you will hear the symphony. Open your mind and you will know the truth. Open your heart and you will live the truth.
Who am I?
I am you
I am love
I am truth ~